

May 2020


This Transition Will Leave a Mark…

Not all retrogrades peel your skin off or blow up your computer. Some give you a chance for an Etch-a-Sketch do-over, in case you didn't like how it turned out the first time.

Retrogrades are not when planets actually move backwards. It is when they SEEM to move backward from our point of view here on Earth. You experience this same sense of relative motion when you're at a red light and the car next to you rolls. It feels like YOU are moving and you'll press on the brake to be sure your car isn't going to move into the crossing traffic. But you are not moving. It is only your brain's perception that you are moving because the car next to you moved.

Because every planet has a different length of annual orbit, there are times when we lap each other. When one planet laps another, the other planet is affected by the relative sense of motion. This is worst with Mercury because it's year is only 88 Earth days long, so it happens 3-4 time a year. All the other planets retrograde every year too, but their overlapping lasts longer. The further out the planet is away from the Sun, the longer its retrograde lasts.


Pluto: April 25-October 4

Pluto went retrograde on April 25th and will continue that dance until October 4th. Pluto is all about endings and new beginnings. When it slip/slides back-asswards in Capricorn you get a chance to look at what has just begun in your life and career. Everything that has to do with your job, your perception of the government, society, business, economics, or rules has been changing. A lot. Life and death situations have multiplied around you. Life as you know it has been experiencing The Pause. You are likely considering how you might rebirth yourself and continue to support the parts of the Time Out you have enjoyed. Family is closer to you now that it has ever been. Hold onto that.

You are being given an opportunity to be completely honest with yourself. You can move forward away from people, materials, and activities that have not served to uplift you. You will either get real about these things, or you will experience a lot more pain. This isn't about the blinding flash of an Ah-ha experience. It's about a long slow awakening that means resurrection instead of death. Take the time between now and October to complete your work on self-improvement. This includes home improvement and career shifts. By Samhain, your new life will be up and running. Take pictures now. NOTHING will be the same as it was in October, 2019.


Saturn: May 11-September 29

The most significant influence on this Saturn retrograde is from its conjunction with Altair, the brightest star in the constellation Aquila the Eagle. This will not be good - at all. Such a celestial alignment brings sorrow and disappointment, mental disturbance necessitating asylum or hospital treatment and probably death there, separation from family or parents, danger of accident involving the inability to work or lifelong affliction.

There will be a dark cloud of depression that permeates society. Enforced solitude isn't helping. But the Eagle and the star Altair without Saturn bring a confident boldness, bravery, ambition, and a willingness to fly into new territory. There is a surge spurred by Aquila that sparks strong passion, a vibrant imagination, and unstoppable will. Associated with the sign of Scorpio, Aquila rules the U.S.A., space exploration, bombs, and missiles.

You are going to need a couple of power tools to survive and thrive through this dark and dangerous time. Never fear. You have them; you just need to use them! They are GRACE and GRATITUDE. No matter what happens, choose to respond graciously. You will never regret having risen to your highest frequency and shined your bright light. Find something to appreciate in everything. That silver lining is your lifeline. Find it. Hold onto it. Share it. Encourage these traits to shine out from your family and friends in their darkest days. No matter how little the gratitude, its frequency is magnetically attractive. It WILL bring you like frequencies in your life experience.


Saturn retrograde ends as September ends, on the 29th. Mars square Saturn direct at that time suggests the frustration and restrictions caused by Saturn's retrograde will take a long time to recover from. But that's OK. You are on the other side and skipping happily toward brighter days.

Saturn is the Lord of Karma. Retrograde motion is a time when karma is sorted out. Therefore, Saturn retrograding back out of Aquarius and into Capricorn is a double dose of karma. You will be dealing with the karma of your duties and responsibilities as they relate to your dependents and career. Saturn retrograde suggests these areas of responsibility are so important, extra time is needed to take stock and make sure everything in order before you continue. You may be tested to make sure you are ready to take on the extra responsibility. The lessons you learn might be hard but they will be valuable.

By the time October arrives, you should have dealt with the sorrow and disappointment and be ready for the next phase. Whatever you lost, you grieved mightily and moved on. Now it is time for your next adventure. And sure as the Sun rises in the morning, there will always be a new day to be thankful for. Harness your attitude and choose your future! Focus and motivation lead to productivity, achievement, and recognition.


Venus: May 13-June 25

Venus, the planet ruling love, beauty, pleasure, art, indulgences and romance is going to be retrograde from May 13th to June 25th this year, in the air sign of Gemini. Venus is also the goddess of finances, and rules Taurus, where the Sun is right now.

Any of these areas - love, art, or money - may present themselves to you for your attention during this retrograde. New romances begun during this time will not be what they seemed to be at first. Past lovers will pop up like pimples. If YOU are currently sleeping with more than one person, that truth is going to be revealed.

Now is not the time for a radical change to your physical body, be it a tattoo or plastic surgery or a crazy hairstyle. Nor is it time to invest in a major redecorating project or the purchase of an expensive piece of art. When Venus is backtracking, the things you think you love are not going to be the same as when she is direct again. You can enjoy the quick thrill but it is going to cost you and it will be an expensive mess to fix.

During her retrograde, take a deep breath and put a pause on major commitments. Don't propose marriage or divorce. Life is not as it seems right now. Don't buy expensive things and don't give your word. This is a great time for talking things over. Venus in Gemini loves to talk and really resents it when she is unheard. When an old flame wants to warm your sheets, just say no. Talk instead. Tell them what always needed to be said. This will provide a great sense of completion, as well as peace.

This is NOT the time to invest in the stock market. I don't care how low the prices go. Instead, get your accounts in order. Review your money matters. Talk about your visions for the future.

This IS the time to visit a museum or to make art yourself.

With Venus retrograde in Gemini, which rules communication, siblings, and social networks, expect them to need some of your attention. Talk to your brothers and sisters. Have fun on Facebook. But do NOT go crazy shopping online. Venus is retrograde. Just TALK about it.


Jupiter: May 14-September 12

Jupiter's journey through Capricorn is bringing us a rarer kind of retrograde, where "normal" may disappear for about six years. Jupiter's last retrograde in Capricorn was the summer of 2008, when we saw the subprime mortgage crisis reach critical levels. Just after that debacle, there was a bank run that helped bring on the Great Recession. It wasn’t until 2013 that the stock market passed the previous record set in 2007.

This trip through Capricorn, Jupiter repeats three meetups with each of his brothers, Neptune and Pluto. Jupiter, the youngest, was the only one member of the family not swallowed by their father, Saturn. (Being swallowed by the father is akin to being overwhelmed by society.) In the long run, Jupiter was the victor in his culture war, with the help of his brothers, sisters, other relatives, and the giants (but that's another story).

After the Battle of the Titans, the three brothers drew lots determine their rewards. The oldest, Pluto, was given dominion of the Underworld and all its riches. Neptune, the middle brother, was given dominion of the Oceans. Jupiter was given dominion of the surface of the Earth and the air above it. Because of these repeated aspects to Neptune and Pluto by Jupiter, expect tensions between siblings and divisiveness among social groups. With the extreme socio-economic unbalance that afflicts us in 2020, it is likely there will be even more divisiveness until the balance is restored. Jupiter will need to lead decisively to a more balanced future or there will be a new Battle of the Teeming Masses.

During Jupiter's Pause for the Cause, reconsider the paths you are walking. Are they taking you in the right direction? If you are unsure about it, ask your closest advisors. Find your guiding light, correct your course, and get your windshield cleaned. As you see things more clearly, new financial opportunities may arise, whether or not you are prepared to handle them alone. Flex your faith - in yourself, in the rest of the world, and in your connection to the Powers that Be. Once you are centered again, you'll be set to move forward with Jupiter before the Autumn Equinox.


Mysteries Revealed: Lunch & Learn

Join me Fridays for lunch via Zoom. You enjoy your meal and I'll tell you stories about the creation of the cosmos. We are exploring The Secret Doctrine, by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, a vast collection of information that is revealed through her ability to speak so many languages and her extensive spiritual research through all cultures. We are studying some of the oldest known wisdom on Earth and considering the time before time. There are no prerequisites to join the group. We meet for one hour, noon to 1PM Central, each week to explore the Mysteries.

The Bible has parts of the story, as do the Torah and the Quran, but even science can't tell you how the Solar System and our Earth evolved. They can theorize. One of the most expansive minds of the nineteenth century shares incredibly ancient records that reveal more than we have ever been told. These are not just "myths." They are documented history. Join us and expand your understanding and appreciation of our world, our history, and our future.

Register today at bit.ly/TKMysteries. Tuition: $60/month.


2020 Feng Shui Five Elements Workshops: The Dance of the Celestial Animals

Rumba with the Red Phoenix Workshop will be presented on Sunday afternoon, May 10th, with a focus on FIRE, heat, and light of the month of May. Explore how to use the energies of the season to your benefit. The days are warmer and the sunlight lasts longer as we build to June's Summer Solstice. Everything in Nature is getting hot, Hot, HOT!

The Fire element of the Red Phoenix licks upward, greedily gulping the air, transforming everything it touches or even nears. Dance in the flames, focus the vision, and sparkle in the light! Open your eyes and see the future that will manifest this Autumn. What you do now seeds that harvest. You don't plant corn and harvest apples. With all the uncertainty in the world today, it is up to you to focus your vision like a laser to get you to where you intend to be. Enhance your home's Feng Shui to open your eyes, remove the blindfold, and step into the light of a Brand New Day!


My Feng Shui & Moon Magic 2020 Planning Calendar (Available on Amazon at bit.ly/TrishaKeelBooks) reveals that the time flow now slips into the CARDINAL quality of Fire. Everything is transformed by the flames. Embrace your bright new future. The Fire Phoenix rises!

Join me live online via Zoom from wherever you are, Sunday, May 10th, from 1:30-3PM and learn to Rumba with the Red Phoenix. Life is going to slowly begin to simmer in its sexy creativity! Register for both the Feng Shui Workshop and the Practical Magic Workshop on Storm Magic of May 24th and save 10%.


The Practical Magic Workshop for May will thrill you as you take control of Storm Magic! Discover the power of weather witching, lightning spells, and summoning the wind.

Join me on Zoom for the Practical Magic Workshop on Storm Magic and be prepared like never before for the start of hurricane season! All materials will be provided by PDF for this workshop.

Attend one workshop for $30 or both for $54. Can't make these dates? Order the video and PDF and enjoy the workshops at your own convenience. Register at bit.ly/TKFSWorkshops or http://www.tomorrowskey.com/PracticalMagicWorkshops.html.


Want More Feng Shui & Moon Magic?

If you want more Feng Shui & Moon Magic fun, the original books are available on Amazon. Feng Shui & Moon Magic and the Feng Shui & Moon Magic MMXX Planning Calendar are both only $25. GREAT gifts for starting your magical life. Find them and all my books on Amazon at bit.ly/TrishaKeelBooks

AND all twelve of the 2019 Feng Shui & Moon Magic Workshops are available from my library at http://www.tomorrowskey.com/FengShuiWorkshops.html


Connecting Your Space to the Divine

The ancient law of As Above, So Below has corollaries, one of which is As Within, So Without. This law is what allows doctors to test a drop of your blood and know what is going on with all of your blood. It is also what allows us to know that the galaxies in the vastness of space mirror the atomic structure in the quantum world.

The same law allows you to bring the divine into your place on Earth when you integrate Sacred Geometry & Geomancy into its design. Whether you want to open a spa, set up a place of worship, or create a retreat in your own back yard, you can fine tune the frequencies of your space by the use of the ancient wisdom. Triangles bring fiery energy while squares bring grounded earthiness. Learn to layer seven or more intentions as you stage a place to resonate with the serenity of the sacred feminine or the power of the divine masculine.

Explore the mysteries and use the wisdom of:

  • Sacred Geometry & Measure
  • Seven Principles of Sacred Design
  • Connecting to Dragon and Serpent Energies
  • Celestial and Terrestrial Alignments
  • And much more!

I present this workshop online via Zoom for six consecutive Saturday afternoons, 4-5:30PM Central, emailing you PDFs of the materials as we go. Where the language of the Universe is spoken, there is a connection between man and All That Is. You will plan and build your own sacred space. You will learn the rituals to open it and close it when you must move. You will also learn to recognize other sacred spaces in the world.

Architects and Interior Designers receive 9 hours of HSW professional learning units! All classes are video recorded in case you must miss one. My previous students receive over $500 off in tuition discounts! Register today at bit.ly/TKSacredGeometry.


Create a New Future

There is no "normal" to go back to. What was, no longer is. We must use our imaginations to create a brave new future. While you are at it, please consider new ways of doing things.

If you can imagine it, you can have it. Practice seeing a new future…

Let folks make a living wage, even if it means the corporate bigwigs and investors earn less.

Take the healthcare profession out of the hands of insurance companies and corporations.

Put term limits on the job description of every elected official. Let them earn minimum wage.

Reclaim your brain.

Prioritize those you love.

Protect the Earth.

Feed the hungry.

Restore integrity to the press and to the government. Everyone has been bought. Stop that cold.

What else will you add?

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Feng Shui Fun On The Run PRO Blog Free Sample:

Home Office Feng Shui 2

Working from home needs to be staged as a “real” work zone. Consider the elements required: organization, access to supplies, space for spreading out, and boundaries. Time must be managed for efforts to be consistently profitable.

This spot is NOT supportive to working at home for several reasons. Sitting next to the door sets this person up to be blindsided whenever their head is down. Sitting with their back a lane of oncoming traffic lets them get hit from both sides. I think there are rules against this in football, but there should be in work areas. This spot is staged beneath three shelves weighed down with books and papers, pressuring this person while zapping them with the poison arrows of the edges of the shelving itself. The chair is not on wheels, and thus drags when pulled out or pushed in. This person will feel that work here is a drag, that they are pressured to perform, when all they want to do is be outside in that cool outdoor space with a bottle of Ted’s Root Beer!


Trying to work in the middle of chaos is never going to facilitate productivity. There is no room to work, they can’t find needed elements of their files or materials, and they are overwhelmed even by the laundry sitting in the red chair. Take all these baskets out or cover them with a sheet. Unpack them one at a time into a place where they can be accessed. If you have to, get boards and cinder blocks and use the laundry baskets as drawers. But organize and label each basket to give yourself control in a jumbled world. The baskets make things easier to see than the banker’s boxes. In an office, sometimes, out of sight is simply forgotten forever. Remove everything from the bulletin boards and walls and desktops that you can. Start from clear. Turn the desks to face into the room with a solid wall at the back. Two desks? No problem. Set them to be at 45° angles (like the top of a stop sign) or even head to head if you have limited space. Give each person a command corner and the Black Tortoise support of a solid wall.


And then you have a completely “designed” workspace that will NEVER support any work being done. Sheesh. Look at what it did to the zebra! Drag those chairs out and you risk damaging that zebra-skin rug. This adds the Fire element blazing at the backs of the chairs, which face the wall, beneath the shelves, where their tiny computers sit beneath meaningless framed art and books turned so their backs and titles are hidden. These workers don’t know what they are working with. They can’t pull their chairs into the cubby holes for their work space, and they are tightly controlled. If it were me, I’d just take the computer to the dining table. This is apparently on the landing over a stairwell. The energy here will never settle for these people to get anything done.

If you are working at home, stand back and consider your set up. Clear out anything that distracts, disempowers, or delays your productivity.


Want More Feng Shui Fun?

I use photos of places I visit or images I find online or in print to create teaching moments that share Feng Shui wisdom. I publish them every day of the year except Christmas. Know what you're walking into wherever you go when you subscribe to Feng Shui mini-lessons. Subscribe for only $15/month at http://bit.ly/Subscribe2FSFOTR.

What to Expect from Your Feng Shui Consultation…

During our time of social distancing, you can still have a full Feng Shui consultation! I will email some materials, mail others, and then we will meet online via either FaceTime or Zoom. I still perform transcendental cures to supercharge your results. With decades of experience using technology to provide Feng Shui, I deliver your full service professional consultation with ease.

For more information on what to expect, link here to my video. To help in these times of so much transformation, I am providing a $100 Bright New Day Discount! Call 713-952-5429 today to schedule your consultation!


Remembering Cleaning Magic (Excerpt)

The walls and roof of your home define your space as set apart from all other spaces on Earth. Your dwelling is a shrine that honors and protects you, your life, and your property. Just like a sacred circle, there is an inside and an outside: that which is within bears the powerful protection of your magic and is sacred (secret/private). Your sacred space collects all the thoughts and energies which pass through it—whether yours or not—and collects them in a soupy miasma of place memory…until you clean house. The sticky, murky gunk that collects will manifest as dead critter bodies in corners, hairballs under furniture, and cobwebs at the ceiling. You know you have reached critical mass when confusion, short tempers, and accidents/bad luck begin to manifest.

The time comes to take back control. You know when you’re pushing the limits. You will find the time when you must. You gather your energies and focus your intentions…and begin. When you put your things where they belong, then organize your efforts to transform the cleanliness levels of the space, you begin to work through a process of stroking the surfaces of everything you own. You are tending your home. When you tend something, like tending a fire or a small child, you attend it, giving attention as well as energies. You recharge their energies with your intentions and actions. Thus, your home and all within it are transformed into a field of positive energy that provides sanctuary for you and yours, and which repels the negative. Once the needed level of physical cleanliness is achieved, the vibrational frequency of the place is higher.

Living Life in Layers

You don’t live your whole life all at once. Each day you add to the layers that make up your life. To change your life, you must proceed a layer at a time, much like healing a third degree wound. Each layer of skin regrows, one at a time.

Your home, like your body, has several layers of existence. We shall address four of them. There is the physical layer—that which bruises you when you bump into it. There is the emotional layer—that which resonates with laughter, rage, and tears long after the emotional event. There is the mental layer—that which vibrates with your thoughts, like the chair that is “your spot” and knows it. And there is the spiritual layer—that which echoes with all your blessings as well as your karmic debt.


To clean any of your home’s layers, you must clean all the layers beneath it. Here is how the layers lie:

  • Spiritual
  • Mental
  • Emotional
  • Physical

To clean physically, requires only dealing with the physical plane. To clean on the emotional level, you have to clean both physically and emotionally. To clean on the mental plane, requires both physical and emotional cleaning and then mental cleaning too. To fully clean your home, you must clean all the way to the spiritual plane. Yes…it takes back, heart, intention, and the spirit to do it all.


After the End: You Will Thank Me for This

Plan a simple one dish supper and prepare it before you begin cleaning. Have it in the refrigerator, ready to go in the oven, when you finish the last layer of these procedures. I suggest a lasagna or other casserole, or perhaps a pot of homemade soup, but you can cook up whatever you like. Make sure to eat real, healthy food this day. Junk food will not recharge your strength after this energy dispersal. You won’t have the strength to go out and you will be starving.


For the rest of this lesson and information about cleaning your environment on every level, order the workshop PDF. Available on my website from the 2014 series at bit.ly/PracticalMagicWorkshops for only $20. Buy any THREE and GET ONE FREE!


Nature of the Soul: New Session Begins May 20, 2020

In all times and places, each culture had their Mystery Schools and Traditions. These Esoteric Paths of Training reached beyond Morality and Philosophy to that Spiritual Alchemy which transformed the Spiritual Seeker into a Conscious Co-Creator, and empowered them to take up the work of Spiritual Evolution upon this Planet.

At long last, you will have answers to the questions: Who am I? Why am I here? How am I supposed to accomplish these things?

You will also learn true meditation. Meditation for service to humanity, as well as meditation that connects you to the Collective Consciousness in your waking state. This is not just listening to music or a pretty story and napping. This training prepares you for your ability to help the world, gives you the techniques with which to do that, and raises the frequencies of your body, your mind, and your life and affairs so that your next incarnation begins at a higher stage than where you are now.

The Nature of the Soul provides in-depth training through progressive techniques and practices which will unfold the Soul within the Personality, and which will allow that Soul to take up its Service within our World.

Although this training lasts about two years, the student is encouraged to attend only as long as he or she is learning and growing, so there is no contract and you are free to leave at any time. The techniques taught are a synthesis of Eastern and Western Mystery Tradition, but are especially designed for the Western Student. Subjects included in this training are Esoteric Anatomy, Planetary History, Rays and Initiations, Transmutation, Conscious Creativity, and Service - and much more.

You are most welcome to join us in the unfolding of The Nature of the Soul.

THE NEXT SESSION WILL OPEN IN MAY, 2020. For more information or to register, please visit https://www.tomorrowskey.com/NatureOfTheSoul.html


Tomorrows Key 5223 Mimosa Drive Bellaire, Texas 77401 United States (713) 952-5429